
WildDrone at ICUAS Conference 2024

Three DCs from Theme 2 presented their work at the 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS).

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Visit to Kenyatta University

Our Doctoral Candidate Kilian Meier reports back from his fieldtrip to Kenya.

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WildDrone at Biomim’expo 2024

WildDrone Showcases VR Dolphin Experience at Biomim’expo 2024.

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Preparation for the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference 2024

WildDrone is co-organising the International Micro Air Vehicles Conference 2024!

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WildDrone at European Robotics Forum (ERF) 2024

Three EU projects working with the use of robots in nature conservations join forces to organize a new ERF workshop ”Robotics challenges in conservation ecology”.

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