Implementation Advisory Board

The Implementation Advisory Board advises the Steering Board on commercial aspects and connects the network to relevant industry stakeholders and conservation end-users. The board is composed of members that represent the industry who can advise on enhancing inter-sectoral employability aspects for the doctoral candidates.

Board Members

  • Andrea Blindenbacher, President, Drones for Earth
  • Dan Morris, Research Scientist, Google AI for Nature and Society, Google
  • David Guerin, Safety, Operations Manager, African Drone Forum
  • Frank de Morsier, COO & Co-Founder, Picterra
  • Grant Hamilton, Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology
  • Kenneth Richard Geipel, CEO & Co-Founder, Robotto
  • Line Johannsen Ochelka, Project Manager, The Danish Nature Agency
  • Ludivine Martinez, Senior Marine Ecologist, University of La Rochelle
  • Morgan Drabik-Hamshare, Agency Liaison, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • Nyambura Kamau, Founder, Viwanda Africa
  • Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Dr., Senior Scientist, Wildlife Institute of India
  • Victor Mwongera, CEO, Institution of Engineers of Kenya (IEK)
  • Vincent Obanda, PhD, Principal Research Scientist, Wildlife Research & Training Institute, Kenya
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