Steering Board

Composed of one representative per DC-hosting partner, the Steering Board serves as the main decision-making body of the network. The board monitors the network’s overall management and general progress, including changes in the budget or the project coordination, decisions regarding IP rights, conflict resolution, and approval of deliverables to the European Research Executive Agency.

Board Members

Ulrik Pagh Schultz Lundquist Professor, University of Southern Denmark
WildDrone Coordinator. Academic Supervisor of DC5.
Blair Costelloe Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Conservation Exploitation Manager. Principal Supervisor of DC1, DC3, DC4 and DC11.
Devis Tuia Associate Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Theme 3 Supervisor. Principal Supervisor of DC11.
Matthijs Damen Head of Tech, AVY
Project Supervisor of DC5.
Frank van Langevelde Professor, Wageningen University
Principal Supervisor of DC3.
Benjamin Risse Professor, University of Münster
Academic Supervisor of DC9 and Principal Supervisor of DC10.
Gwénaël Duclos Ecology and Vision Engineer, WIPSEA
Industrial Exploitation Manager. Project Supervisor of DC4.
Tom Richardson Professor, University of Bristol
Theme 1 Supervisor. Academic Supervisor of DC12 and Principal Supervisor of DC13.
Fabio Remondino Professor, Bruno Kessler Foundation
Industrial Exploitation Manager. Principal Supervisor of DC9.
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