Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board coordinates the training and supervision activities. It is composed of one representative from each partner and one representative of the doctoral candidates. The doctoral candidate representative is elected each year by his/her fellows in the network. The partners’ concern for gender equality in a field where men are traditionally represented in much higher numbers, has led to the decision that the Supervisory Board must be composed of at least 20% women.

The Supervisory Board works to ensure an adequate balance between scientific/technological and transferable skills training and oversees the quality and quantity of supervision of the doctoral candidates. Decisions rendering a large impact on the entire consortium must be delegated to the Steering Board, including mitigation in case of scientific misconduct. Special attention is given to risk management to ensure that project risks are identified early, and that corrective actions are thoroughly considered and quickly implemented.

Board Members

  • Andrea Micheli, Researcher, Bruno Kessler Foundation
  • Attila Steinegger, Manager Digital Transformation, WWF Schwitzerland
  • Blair Costelloe, Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
  • Caspian Johnson, Cameroon Programme Manager, Bristol Zoological Society
  • Colin Jackson, Senior Innovation Producer, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
  • Devis Tuia, Associate Professor, EPFL
  • Elzbieta Pastucha, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
  • Frank van Langevelde, Professor, Wageningen University
  • Friedrich Reinhard, Managing Director, Kuzikus African Safaris PTY
  • Gwénaël Duclos, CEO, WIPSEA
  • Henrik Pind G Jørgensen, Chief consultant, Danish Environmental Protection Agency
  • Ida Storm, Senior Director, Danish Agriculture & Food Council
  • Lars Haalck, PhD student, University of Münster
  • Matthijs Damen, Head of Tech, Avy
  • Tom Richardson, Professor, University of Bristol
  • Urs Kalbitzer, Research Support Officer, University of Konstanz
  • Victor Mwongera, Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineering Lecturer, Kenyatta University
  • William Njoroge, Head of Technology, Ol Pejeta Conservancy
  • Xenia Salomonsen, Head of Marine Nature Activities, National Park Wadden Sea
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