Management Team

The Management Team is led by WildDrone’s Coordinator and meets every month. The team reports on general project progress to the Steering Board. The team organizes all board and review meetings, implements the decisions of the boards, and decides on matters concerning day-to-day operations. The team is composed of six members:

The Coordinator is responsible for overseeing general project progress, including quality control of the deliverables. He also ensures that the project plan and budget is followed, milestones are met, and the various teams are carrying out their assigned tasks.

The Training Coordinator is responsible for all issues related to network-level education and training of PhDs (WP4). For each workshop, an Organizing Committee is set up to plan the respective even.

The Conservation Exploitation Manager is responsible for introducing the results to the conservation community to enhance and facilitate the technology’s uptake by conservation practitioners. 

The Ethics Manager is responsible for the active incorporation of ethical considerations into the project and technological design. This includes facilitating ethics workshops and considering dual-use issues (EU 428-2009).

The Industrial Exploitation Managers are responsible for guiding the results of the project towards exploitation and application in the industry.

Team Members

Ulrik Pagh Schultz Lundquist Professor, University of Southern Denmark
WildDrone Coordinator. Academic Supervisor of DC5.
Fabio Remondino Professor, Bruno Kessler Foundation
Industrial Exploitation Manager. Principal Supervisor of DC9 and Co-supervisor of DC2 and DC12.
Blair Costelloe Postdoctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Conservation Exploitation Manager. Principal Supervisor of DC1 and Co-supervisor of DC3, DC4, and DC11.
Dylan Cawthorne Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Ethics Manager. Co-supervisor of DC5.
Gwénaël Duclos Ecology and Vision Engineer, WIPSEA
Industrial Exploitation Manager. Industrial Supervisor of DC4.
Steve Bullock Associate Professor, University of Bristol
Training Coordinator.
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