Consortium Meeting in Bristol

The WildDrone team were happy to meet in Bristol, UK, during September for a week of touching ground with each other, learning about the project progress and preparing for the coming hackathon in Kenya, coming up in January 2025.

The first two days from 23-24th of September, we had a very productive consortium meeting, where we talked about the project progress, issues and plans, and some of the Doctoral Candidates shared their very interesting progress on their individual projects.
On the second day we focused on collaboration between the various projects and how we can benefit from each other. Another central output was planning the first Kenya Hackathon that will take place in January 2025.

Training sessions at Fenswood Farm

The meeting continued with training activities at Fenswood Farm from the 25th – 27th of September. Here the Doctoral candidates participated in computer vision workshop, ethics and innovation workshop, and practiced operational procedures for flying drones in Kenya and Nambibia. The training included flight training, operational safety, and how to behave if wild animals approach the pilot. It is clear to see that the Doctoral candidates are getting very familiar with the drones and are getting ready to the first Kenya hackathon.

Media Training at BBC Studios

Being able to communicate the projects visually is key to spreading the knowledge of how we work with drones and nature conservation. We are thankful  to have BBC studio as partner of the WildDrone project and they invited the WildDrone team to the BBC Studios for media training. Here the DCs learned invaluable  knowledge about how to communicate their work through videos, photos, reels and other visual formats. They also got the chance to get feedback from BBC on how they could communicate their individual projects. We are very grateful to our BBC collaborators for the opportunity!

A big thank you to all who contributed to making the week a success, including all DCs, supervisors, management, project partners, collaborators and administrative staff.

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Last modified: December 10, 2024