First WildDrone Kenya Hackathon
First WildDrone Kenya Hackathon We are so excited to soon be leaving for the first WildDrone Kenya Hackathon, which takes place from...
Porpoise Pursuit: Camille’s Journey to Capture Denmark’s Elusive Cetaceans
Camille Rondeau Saint-Jean uses advanced drones to film and study Denmark’s elusive harbour porpoises, focusing on a uniquely identifiable porpoise named NotchSure and her calf, Elvis.
Fieldwork Report From La Réunion
Doctoral Candidate Lucie Laporte-Devylder reports on her fieldwork activities from Réunion Island.
Visit to Kenyatta University
Our Doctoral Candidate Kilian Meier reports back from his fieldtrip to Kenya.
First Trip to Kenya
The first trip to Kenya is paving the way for the future hackathon tours.